Sunday, October 25, 2009

Row, row, row the boat...


Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream


Get a paddle and start rowing the boat now!

Went for Regatta Dragon Boat Competition few weeks back...

It was pretty awesome and fun! Enjoyed rowing with my friends over at Kallang River! :)

We may not be very good, but we enjoyed ourselves, that's the main objective of the whole competition.


Shuning, Jiale and Jasyln


Waiting for the bus transport to ferry us over to kallang river

The waiting time for the bus to depart from school is mad long okay! Waited for 1 hour plus? Or maybe close to 2 hours as well.

All of us waited like an idiot and there was no sign of more buses coming into school because other teams are so kiasu to reach kallang early until that they need to snatch the bus from us.

Snatch from us!!! -.-

We came first! Oh well, I don't care. Zzzzzz...

and we cam-whore in the bus!



P/s: Apologies for the unclear picture above resulting my head to be chopped off into half. Because I'm not the one who took this shot! :D


Shaun & Angus

Though I'm quite tall among all my friends...

... however...



"He is taller then me!!!"

The tallest guy in my team.



He has a towering height of 193cm!

Errr, okay. His smile can't make it. Where's his eyes? LOL


Getting ready to go onto the boat with our life vest secure well beforehand


Warm up is a must!


Our sampan boats...




My team is suppose to get 1st place but in the end it ended up 5th place :(

Agreed with me that it's the fun and experience that matters right?

Win or not is secondary, it doesn't matter.

Bodyache, muscleache, everywhere cramp ahhhh! It's hell fun anyway!

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